American Q’s Bourbon + Bacon Hot Chocolate

Submitted by Hazel Morgan
Serves 1

American Q's Bourbon + Bacon Hot ChocolateEditor’s Note: This recipe has also appeared elsewhere but is being shared with permission.

American Q's Bourbon + Bacon Hot Chocolate
Recipe type: Cocktails
Prep time: 
Total time: 
  • ¼ c.cocoa powder
  • ½ c. sugar
  • ⅓ c. water
  • 2 c. milk
  • 2 c. heavy cream
  • 3 oz. bacon fat
  • 4 oz. bourbon
  • 4 pcs. American Q Swine Candy
  • Whipped cream for garnish
  1. Heat all ingredients except for bourbon & bacon fat in a saucepan, do not boil.
  2. Whisk until incorporated.
  3. Once mixed well, remove from heat & whisk in bacon fat until frothy. Add bourbon.
  4. Serve in mugs with a dollop of whipped cream, crumbled swine candy, & a garnish of ½ piece of swine candy.

Saucepot Tips – Kahlua instead of Vanilla Extract

Submitted by randilicious
If the recipe calls for vanilla extract & you have none on hand, try using equal amounts of Kahlua instead. Alternately when a recipe calls for vanilla extract, along with the vanilla toss in a half portion of Kahlua (e.g. if the recipe calls for 1 tbsp of vanilla extract, toss in 1 tbsp vanilla extract and ½ tbsp Kahlua). If you’re concerned about getting drunk on your creation, only do this for recipes that involve heating as the alcohol will boil off but the taste will remain.

Brain Hemmorhage

Submitted by BiggieB


¾ shot Peach liqueur Bailey’s Irish Cream


  1. un vasititito by [superanita] on FlickrPour ¾ shot of peach liqueur into a shot glass. Drizzle Baileys into it, to fill glass. 
  2. If done correctly, the Baileys will float in the schnapps. Then place a few drops of grenadine into the shot.


  1. With tall shot glass, pour halfway full with peach schnapps, then layer the rest with Baileys. Place a few drops of grenadine in.

Jello Shots

Submitted by DamYankee


1 large box of Jell-O (Not sugar free) ¾ c. hot water
¾ c. liquor


  1. Margarita Jello Shots by Weekend! on FlickrBasically make the Jell-O per the instructions on the box, with the exception that you use ¾ of the total liquid. 
  2. Mix the jello powder with ¾ c. of hot water (instead of a full cup) & dissolve completely. 
  3. Instead of adding cold water & the liquor of your choice, but only ¾ of a cup.
  4. Pour into plastic 1 oz condiment cups, available at most restaurant supply shops, & let sit in the refrigerator for 24 hours before serving.

Suggested Jello / Liquor combinations:
Cherry with Southern Comfort
Black Cherry with Southern Comfort
Blue Raspberry with Absolut
Orange with Absolut

Chocolate Cake Shot

Submitted by BiggieB


¾ oz Frangelico ¾ oz vodka (good stuff)
1 lemon wedge Sugar


  1. Combine vodka & Frangelico in shaker. Shake very well. Strain into shot glass. Coat lemon wedge in sugar.
  2. Shoot drink, then bite into lemon wedge. If made correctly, you will have the after taste of chocolate cake. The cool part is, there is no chocolate in the drink.
  3. If you want a German chocolate cake, substitute Malibu for the vodka.