Alethea's Grocery Bag Potato Salad
Author: Alethea Bezuidenhout
Recipe type: Side Dish
Cuisine: German
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- 6 Eggs
- 6-10 White Potatoes
- ¼ c. fresh flat-leaf parsley, finely chopped
- 1 small jar sweet pickles
- Mayonnaise
- Salt
- Black Pepper
- Hard boil the eggs. When done, set aside to cool. This can be done ahead of time.
- Lightly wash the unpeeled potatoes to remove any loose dirt. Place the potatoes in a clean plastic grocery bag. Loosely tie the bag once & cut a small slit in the bag about half way down. Cook the potatoes in the microwave for 15 minutes on high. When you think they're done, stick a fork in and it should slide out easily and smoothly when done.
- When the potatoes are done remove them from the bag carefully as they'll be hot. Using a sharp knife, peel the loose skin from the potatoes. Cut up or dice the potatoes & place in a suitably sized bow.
- Peel the hard boiled eggs & dice them finely. Add to the potatoes. Add salt & black pepper to taste. Add pickles, parsley, & enough mayonnaise to mix together with your preferred taste and moistness. Cover with plastic